
Who, me…?

Well, Without stretching the limits excessively, I’m a “war baby”, a Pre-Boomer, if you will. There really is such a thing. While my mother lit a candle on the cake marking my first birthday, American B-29 Bombers were lighting up Tokyo, Japan. More than six decades later, I’m still celebrating birthdays and the United States is still lighting up foreign cities.

We share a tidbit of reality, the United States and I. We are both finite. That’s just the way it is. No man, no nation, has ever lived infinitely.

A second thing we share in common is that our respective potentials for longevity are greatly influenced by our behaviors.

The third thing we share in common is a tendency to push the reasonable limits of just how much we can get away with before our behaviors contribute directly to our respective demises, regardless of a greater potential under ideal circumstances.

I'd like to hear your side of the story...